Archive for June, 2015

Watering Down The Energy Debate

Via The Energy Collective, commentary on the watergy nexus: Water is essential for the production of energy. Energy facilities both consume water and have impacts on the aquatic ecosystems they interact with. These interactions are complex however and it is a mistake to over-simplify – one we must avoid if we are to meet our […]

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Africa’s Watergy Nexus: Farmers Lose Water Access As Tanzania’s Hydropower Runs Dry

Via Reuters, a look at the impact the watergy nexus is having in Tanzania: Tanzania, home to Mt. Kilimanjaro and the Serengeti National Park, has a tradition of protecting land for the sake of ecological diversity and beauty. Now the country has a new reason to add to its protected sites list: electricity. Faced with […]

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North Korea’s Dark Secret: ‘100-Year Drought’ Is Knocking Out Its Power Supply

Via the Daily Beast, an interesting – yet sobering – report on hydroelectric-reliant North Korea’s watergy challenges: Kim Jong Un’s next big crisis may be harder to Photoshop over, unless his propaganda artists have very strong battery backups. North Korea is experiencing severe power outages as a crippling drought has led to increased failures by its […]

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Water Scarcity Could Deter Northern Mexican Energy Developers

Courtesy of Circle of Blue, an interesting look at the watergy constraints impacting shale energy exploration in northern Mexico: Before world oil prices collapsed late last year, shop owners closest to the banks of the Rio Grande River in Piedras Negras joked that they could hear the groans of Texas drilling rigs advancing toward their […]

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Central Asia Energy-Water Development Program

Via the World Bank, a brief look at the Bank’s Central Asia Energy-Water Development Program (CAEWDP): Central Asia is endowed with water and an abundance of rich and varied energy resources — hydropower, oil, gas, and coal. These resources can support increased agricultural production and have the potential to exceed domestic energy demand to supply export markets. […]

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Water For Shale Oil And Gas: Can It Be Managed More Sustainably?

Via the Mitchell Foundation, some interesting commentary at the management of water use for shale oil and gas: The United States is becoming energy independent largely due to a technology that combines horizontal drilling with hydraulic fracturing.  At a recent public meeting I posed a question to the audience, “How much water is used in hydraulic […]

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About This Blog And Its Author
As the scarcity of water and energy continues to grow, the linkage between these two critical resources will become more defined and even more acute in the months ahead.  This blog is committed to analyzing and referencing articles, reports, and interviews that can help unlock the nascent, complex and expanding linkages between water and energy -- The Watergy Nexus -- and will endeavor to provide a central clearinghouse for insightful articles and comments for all to consider.

Educated at Yale University (Bachelor of Arts - History) and Harvard (Master in Public Policy - International Development), Monty Simus has held a lifelong interest in environmental and conservation issues, primarily as they relate to freshwater scarcity, renewable energy, and national park policy.  Working from a water-scarce base in Las Vegas with his wife and son, he is the founder of Water Politics, an organization dedicated to the identification and analysis of geopolitical water issues arising from the world’s growing and vast water deficits, and is also a co-founder of SmartMarkets, an eco-preneurial venture that applies web 2.0 technology and online social networking innovations to motivate energy & water conservation.  He previously worked for an independent power producer in Central Asia; co-authored an article appearing in the Summer 2010 issue of the Tulane Environmental Law Journal, titled: “The Water Ethic: The Inexorable Birth Of A Certain Alienable Right”; and authored an article appearing in the inaugural issue of Johns Hopkins University's Global Water Magazine in July 2010 titled: “H2Own: The Water Ethic and an Equitable Market for the Exchange of Individual Water Efficiency Credits.”