Via Water Online, a brief examination of the potential benefits of co-locating utilities to help address some issues related to the watergy nexus: Try explaining to your children, as I have with mine, that turning on a light is akin to running a faucet. You’ll likely get a confused look, but this is perhaps the […]
Read more »Via EDF, some quick thoughts on the watergy nexus: The energy-water nexus is gaining traction with diverse stakeholders around the world and it is becoming increasingly clear that we cannot plan for our planet’s future if we do not consider energy and water together. Most recently, the United Nations celebrated World Water Day, launching a […]
Read more »Via Circle of Blue, a brief summary of some of the world’s most serious watergy crises: Intense national programs designed to meet growing global demand for energy are creating a number of mammoth and dangerous energy production zones. As Circle of Blue and the Wilson Center have reported since 2010 in our Global Choke Point […]
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